About the Friends
Want to make a donation to the Friends of the Marfa Public Library? Donate via Square or PayPal, or you can make checks out to Friends of the Marfa Public Library and mail to:
Friends of the Marfa Public Library
PO Drawer U
Marfa, Texas 79843
About the Friends of the Marfa Public Library:
The Friends of the Marfa Public Library is a member-supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to supporting the library system and literary programs. Friends fundraise, advocate and provide financial support for the Marfa Public Library.
Our Mission:
We seek to enhance community awareness for all of the library's unique resources and benefits. Our mission is to maintain a charitable and educational organization to support the library, to increase the library's resources, to advocate for the library, to recycle donated materials, to stimulate use of the library's resources, and to encourage and support educational and literacy programs by way of the library. Friends raise funds through special events, grants, and through corporate and private donations to support library-initiated programs and for capital improvements.