Research & Learning
Teen's Job Guide A complete list of everything you will need to find, interview for, and keep that after-school or summer job.
TexShare Databases Try these databases filled with magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other materials to help you discover more on any subject, from general interest to business, hobbies, and more. Please see your librarian for the password.
TFS: Tuition Funding Sources Find Scholarships that match your goals, interests and personal characteristics.
Portal to Texas History A lot of great newspapers, documents, and photographs for research into Texas history--including many from the Marfa Public Library!
Marfa, Diversity in the Desert Search here for Marfa history within the Portal.
Archives of the Marfa New Era and the Big Bend Sentinel (Almost) every paper since 1928. The place to go for your local history.
Google Let's just admit it: most of our research starts (and ends) here anyways.
Free Online Classes
Kahn Academy Hundreds of videos on a ton of subjects. These lessons will walk you through everything from ACT prep to Linear Algebra.
Udacity Focusing mainly on computer programming, these classes will teach you to build a search engine, do statistics, program web applications, and more. Complete with tests and instructor interaction.
MIT OpenCourseWare Free classes from MIT. The same ones taught to MIT students. What more could you want?
webcast.berkeley Free classes from UC-Berkeley. The same ones taught to Berkeley students. What more could you want, again?
OpenCulture Aggregating the best in free culture on the internet. Classes, books, movies, and more.